First the email comes with the subject heading
USMLE Step3 Score Notice
That’s where I start promising God I will listen to Wizkid less and more of Tye Tribett if He gives me a pass. Then I start rationalizing and thinking “well if I fail it, its not a big deal. I am not in residency. I will think of a good excuse when I am on the interview trail.”
Then I opened the PDF and found out I PASSED!!!!
I thank God, Jesus and the holy spirit for the miracle! I was quite sure I bombed that horrendous thing. I tell ya, I was sweating bullets in that exam. Now its smooth sailing to self publication and
residency. 🙂
On the business of self publishing-
Everyone hopes you are that writer that every beta reader loves your work of art, your fiction your baby. From feedback, I have found out that my “baby” needs a lot of work. Its okay to know yourself as a writer and decipher what advice you take or which you reject. However if ALL your beta readers say the exact same thing. You better listen because your eventual readers will probably say the same thing. Sigh. The learning process continues….:)
But in the meantime I am dancing …..