The Books – Still Series

Still: Book 1 of the Still Series

A broken soul, an alcoholic, a certifiable genius, a  Christian man and a secret that will destroy the bonds of their friendship.

When self-proclaimed atheist Fadesola, gets into the medical school she believes that it’s a fresh start of sorts for her. Until she discovers, her classmate is charming and handsome Tayo Smith, a man she encountered in a violent moment years ago. This revelation shatters Fadesola’s already fragile emotional state but hope comes where she  least expects it. A seemingly innocent friendship with Tayo’s friend, Ladi, slowly develops into a smoldering relationship with both afraid to acknowledge their mutual feelings. Things get even more complicated when Nikky, Fadesola’s classmate and friend, ignores her desperate warnings and decides that Tayo is the man she is meant to be with.

However, within the complexities of this friendship, these flawed individuals will experience God’s redemptive grace in a setting each believed his love would never find them.

Still, the first book of a four-part series is a coming of age story about navigating through medical school in the first year, complete with hilarious hookups and breaks ups, legendary parties and incessant studying, and experiencing the triumph of success and disappointment of failure.


Praise for Still 1 from actual readers

I just found and read your book “STILL”. I was honestly stuck till the end. I just couldn’t stop reading. Thank you for letting God use you to spread His word and minister to numerous lives.

I just completed reading STILL and wow, it was something. It is beautiful to see Christianity written so nicely, relatable stories, intrigued by medical school but enjoying every page.  At first, I thought it would be difficult to keep up with accounts of four people in one book but I loved it then it ended…I ran to your blog hoping to have more information for the next series but could not so I decided to write you. You have a new fan. I am glad you decided to write and preach through it.
You are an amazing writer and I hope you do not stop sharing no matter what. Keep shining the light.  So I would love to know where to read the next series of STILL.

Fantastic read! I was enthralled from start to finish and could not put my phone down. The characters were woven nicely. their individuality and nuances had me spell bound and wanting more. Could not have predicted the ending…Kudos!.

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 Mercy: Book 2 of the Still series →

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