August 11, 2014

I have a heart!

I would like to think of myself as cynical or hardened I really would like to…most of the time I am.  I started residency in the […]
June 17, 2014

Thank you

A big thank you to everyone who bought a copy of my novel and who supported . Most of all I would like to thank all […]
May 26, 2014

Book launch post! – Excerpt of Chapter 1

Sola  I confidently opened the white twelve by fifteen inch envelope with Stedman College of Medicine emblazoned on the middle in big bold letters. The […]
May 20, 2014

I saw a girl crying on the street.

She wasn’t crying dramatically, a la dramatic Nigerian  mommy or creating a scene. We were at a crosswalk ready to cross and the light turned red […]
May 8, 2014

God is not a simulation expert.

Quisque justo augue ut urna eu eros. Sed id elit tincidunt et, fermentum vel, wisi. In vitae erat eget arcu nunc venenatis placerat, molestie tristique commodo. Cras turpis vitae ante. Praesent magna ac nunc. Vivamus volutpat.